Error Handling topic


AnalyticsErrorContext Error Handling
Error context information for an analytics operation.
ErrorContext Error Handling
Base class for all error context types.
HttpErrorContext Error Handling
Error context information for a HTTP operation.
KeyValueErrorContext Error Handling
The error context information for a Key-Value operation.
QueryErrorContext Error Handling
Error context information for a search operation.
SearchErrorContext Error Handling
Error context information for a search operation.
ViewErrorContext Error Handling
Error context information for a query operation.

Exceptions / Errors

AmbiguousTimeout Error Handling
An ambiguous timeout has occurred.
AuthenticationFailure Error Handling
An error occurred authenticating the user to the cluster.
BucketExists Error Handling
The referenced bucket already exists, but the operation expected it to not exist.
BucketNotFlushable Error Handling
The bucket could not be flushed due to not having the flush option enabled.
BucketNotFound Error Handling
The bucket being referenced does not exist.
CasMismatch Error Handling
A CAS mismatch occurred.
CollectionExists Error Handling
The referenced collection already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.
CollectionNotFound Error Handling
The collection being referenced does not exist.
CompilationFailure Error Handling
An error occurred while compiling a query.
CouchbaseException Error Handling
A generic base exception that all exceptions inherit.
DatasetExists Error Handling
The referenced dataset already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.
DatasetNotFound Error Handling
The referenced dataset does not exist.
DataverseExists Error Handling
The referenced dataverse already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.
DataverseNotFound Error Handling
The referenced dataverse does not exist.
DecodingFailure Error Handling
There was a failure during decoding.
DeltaInvalid Error Handling
The delta specified is invalid.
DesignDocumentNotFound Error Handling
The referenced design document does not exist.
DmlFailure Error Handling
A generic DML error occurred with a query.
DocumentExists Error Handling
The referenced document exists already, but the operation was not expecting it to exist.
DocumentLocked Error Handling
The referenced document could not be used as it is currently locked, likely by another actor in the system.
DocumentNotFound Error Handling
The referenced document does not exist.
DocumentNotJson Error Handling
An operation expecting JSON was performed against a document which is not JSON.
DocumentUnretrievable Error Handling
The referenced document could not be retrieved.
DurabilityAmbiguous Error Handling
The durable operation that was performed has failed ambiguously and may or may not have completed, or may complete in the future.
DurabilityImpossible Error Handling
A durability level which is impossible to achieve was specified.
DurabilityLevelNotAvailable Error Handling
A durability level which is not available was specified.
DurableWriteInProgress Error Handling
A write was failed as an existing durable write against that key is already in progress.
DurableWriteReCommitInProgress Error Handling
A write was failed as the server is currently reconstructing it's durable data following a failover.
EncodingFailure Error Handling
There was a failure during encoding.
EventingFunctionCompilationFailure Error Handling
The eventing function was not able to be compiled.
EventingFunctionDeployed Error Handling
An eventing function is deployed but the operation expected that it was not.
EventingFunctionIdenticalKeyspace Error Handling
The source and metadata keyspaces both referenced the same place for an eventing function.
EventingFunctionNotBootstrapped Error Handling
An eventing function was deployed but has not yet fully completed the bootstrapping process.
EventingFunctionNotDeployed Error Handling
The referenced eventing function was not deployed but was expected to have been.
EventingFunctionNotFound Error Handling
The referenced eventing function does not exist.
EventingFunctionPaused Error Handling
An eventing function is paused but the operation expected that it was not.
FeatureNotAvailable Error Handling
A feature which is not available was used.
GroupNotFound Error Handling
The referenced group does not exist.
IndexExists Error Handling
The referenced index already existed, but was expected to not yet exist for the operation.
IndexFailure Error Handling
A failure occurred while querying an index.
IndexNotFound Error Handling
The referenced index does not exist.
IndexNotReady Error Handling
The index was not ready yet.
InternalServerFailure Error Handling
Some form of internal error occurred on the server and the request could not be completed.
InvalidArgument Error Handling
One of the passed arguments was invalid.
JobQueueFull Error Handling
The job queue for the service was full and further requests will be rejected for a period of time until the queue shrinks.
LinkExists Error Handling
The link already exists.
LinkNotFound Error Handling
The referenced link does not exist.
MutationLost Error Handling
A mutation was lost.
NumberTooBig Error Handling
A number has grown too large.
ParsingFailure Error Handling
A parsing failure occurred.
PathExists Error Handling
The reference path already existed, but the operation expected that it did not.
PathInvalid Error Handling
The referenced path is not valid.
PathMismatch Error Handling
The referenced path made incorrect assumptions about the structure of a document.
PathNotFound Error Handling
The reference path was not found.
PathTooBig Error Handling
The specified path was too large to parse.
PathTooDeep Error Handling
The referenced path was too deep to parse.
PlanningFailure Error Handling
A failure occurred while planning a query.
PreparedStatementFailure Error Handling
An error occurred with a prepared statement.
QuotaLimited Error Handling
A quota limit was exceeded while attempting to execute the operation.
RateLimited Error Handling
A rate limit was exceeded while attempting to execute the operation.
RequestCanceled Error Handling
Indicates that the request was explicitly cancelled.
ScopeExists Error Handling
The referenced scope already exists, but the operation expected that it did not.
ScopeNotFound Error Handling
The referenced scope does not exist.
ServiceNotAvailable Error Handling
The operation requires a service which was not available.
TemporaryFailure Error Handling
A temporary failure occurred, attempting the same operation in the future may succeed.
TimeoutException Error Handling
The operation timed out.
TransactionCommitAmbiguous Error Handling
The state of a transaction ended as ambiguous and may or may not have committed successfully.
TransactionExpired Error Handling
A transaction failed to complete due to expiring.
TransactionFailed Error Handling
A transaction failed to complete.
TransactionOperationFailed Error Handling
A transaction operation failed to complete.
UnambiguousTimeout Error Handling
An unambiguous timeout has occurred.
UnsupportedOperation Error Handling
An operation which is not supported was executed.
UserExists Error Handling
The referenced user already exists, but the operation expected it to not exist.
UserNotFound Error Handling
The referenced user does not exist.
ValueInvalid Error Handling
The value passed is invalid.
ValueNotJson Error Handling
A JSON operation was attempted with non-JSON data.
ValueTooDeep Error Handling
The document created by the operation would become too deep to operate on.
ValueTooLarge Error Handling
A value could not be stored as it was too large.
ViewNotFound Error Handling
The referenced view does not exist.
XattrCannotModifyVirtualAttribute Error Handling
The virtual attribute cannot be modified.
XattrInvalidKeyCombo Error Handling
More than one XATTR key has been requested.
XattrNoAccess Error Handling
An extended attribute cannot be accessed.
XattrUnknownMacro Error Handling
A macro has been requested which is not recognized by the server.
XattrUnknownVirtualAttribute Error Handling
A virtual attribute has been requested which is not recognized by the server.